Skarn alteration with chalcopyrite and quartz mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn alteration with chalcopyrite and quartz mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn alteration with chalcopyrite and quartz mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn alteration with chalcopyrite and quartz mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn alteration with chalcopyrite and quartz mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn with massive chalcopyrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Potassium (K) feldspar – epidote – carbonate – sericite vein, drilled on the south side of the pit.
Potassium (K) feldspar – epidote – carbonate – pyrite vein, drilled on the south side of the pit.
Epidote-garnet-carbonate alteration, drilled on the south side of the pit.
Banded actinolite-magnetite-epidote-garnet skarn with disseminated chalcopyrite. (Drilled east of the old Craigmont pit)
Epidote-chalcopyrite fracture filling and flooding (propylitic alteration) is very common in Guichon Diorite east and north of the old Craigmont Mine and indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Pervasive epidote flooding (propylitic alteration) is very common in the Guichon Diorite east and north of the old Craigmont Mine and indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Albite-epidote-sericite-actinolite-quartz-prehnite alternation and fracture filling in Guichon Diorite east of the old Craigmont Mine indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Quartz syenite dyke with graphic texture in the Guichon Diorite east of the old Craigmont Mine. The common occurrence of these dykes east and north of the old Craigmont Mine indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Quartz syenite dyke in the Guichon Diorite east of the old Craigmont Mine. The common occurrence of these dykes east and north of the old Craigmont Mine indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Potassic alteration (K-feldspar) is common in the Guichon Diorite east and north of the old Craigmont Mine and indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Molybdenite mineralization with potassic (K-feldspar) alternation in Guichon Diorite east of the old Craigmont Mine indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Molybdenite with chalcopyrite and quartz in Guichon Diorite north of the old Craigmont Mine. The occurrence of molybdenite indicates the possible presence of a porphyry system.
Skarn with massive chalcopytrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn with massive chalcopytrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn with massive chalcopytrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn with massive chalcopytrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.
Skarn with massive chalcopytrite mineralization from the Embayment Zone, west of the old Craigmont Mine. This high-grade zone is interpreted as a faulted and dismembered extension of the historic ore body.